Tanglefoot Park Building exterior - Bauer Sheet Metal and Fabricating

Bauer Sheet Metal and Fabricating, Inc.

Steel boat fabricationsman welding in industrial setting

Marine and Offshore Steel Fabricating

Man installing sheet metal ductwork fabricationMan installing sheet metal ductwork fabrication

Sheet Metal Fab Manufacturing

Man performing Ultrasonic Thickness TestingMan performing Ultrasonic Thickness Testing

Ultrasonic Thickness Testing

man doing metal workman doing metal work


Malters Empire Mixermanufacturing fabrication and engineering systems

Replace with Malters pic

Malters Equipment

machinery with sparks
Mining Industry
Sheet Metal Fab

Welcome to Bauer Sheet Metal and Industrial Steel Fabrications

At Bauer Sheet Metal and Fabricating, Inc., we pride ourselves on being in business since 1932. We continually strive to stay on the cutting edge by utilizing the newest technologies in sheet metal and steel fabrications along with installations. 

Customer service and satisfaction is our number one priority.

Bauer Sheet Metal Values Our Customers!

At Bauer Sheet Metal, our customers drive our business. From malting equipment to barge repair and even small manufacturing repair work, we specialize in making our customers' metal fabricating needs a reality. Contact us today!

Malters Advantage malting equipment